RMF Rock progresywny Playlista

RMF Rock progresywny
Time Artist Song
8:23 Yes The prophet
8:11 Porcupine tree Harridan
8:06 Frequency drift Dead
8:03 Also eden A window's eyes
7:40 Gentle giant Think of me with kindness
7:27 Genesis White mountain
7:11 Il trono dei ricordi The king of memories
7:09 Arena A crack in the ice
7:05 Iona Wind off the lake
7:00 Roger waters What god wants, part ii
6:08 Jethro tull Cross-eyed mary
5:40 Martin orford Grand designs
5:27 Moonrise Night sky
5:10 King crimson Larks' tongues in aspic, part one
5:06 Alan parsons project I wouldn't want to be like you
4:57 Arcadium Birth, life and death
4:40 Dream theater The ytse jam
4:36 Rush Red barchetta
4:30 Steven wilson Drive home
4:25 Landberk All around me
4:11 Anekdoten Kiss of life
4:02 Black noodle project To pink from blue
3:57 Sylvan One step beyond
3:53 Pineapple thief Nothing at best
3:40 Iris (uk) Crossing the desert
3:39 Genesis The dividing line
3:10 Quidam Choćbym
3:01 Pink floyd Wish you were here
2:40 The night watch The fisherman
2:23 Eye 2 eye Hovering
2:11 The tangent A place in the queue
2:04 Martigan Much more
2:00 Mostly autumn Pass the clock
1:38 Pendragon Wisdom of solomon
1:22 Yes Wondrous stories
1:10 Ankh Chleb i krew
1:06 Jadis Holding your breath
0:57 Mars volta Goliath
0:40 Dream theater The best of times
0:38 Camel After all these years
0:27 Raw material Ice queen
0:10 David gilmour Let's get metaphysical
0:07 Marillion Incommunicado